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Brilliant uses for the "waste" from your juicer


Brilliant uses for the “waste” from your juicer

Diet and exercise are the key to a healthy lifestyle. With the New Year well under way, as always each January, there are a large number of people determined to get into shape, to change the way they live and to get healthier in both body and mind. One of the biggest trends in health and nutrition over the last few years is juicing. Simply taking fruits and vegetables and blending them up to make them more portable, easily accessible and a little tastier thanks to the addition of just about anything you’d like, drinking healthy juices is a seemingly effective and natural health boost that’s here to stay.
Most would say that juicing is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy and to keep your body in tip top condition. However, one of the many drawbacks to throwing fruits with rinds and pulp into your blender every day is the excess left behind. There are so many people that simply end up throwing out the remains in order to make way for the next batch of fruit, but there are actually a few different ways in which you can truly utilize all of the fruits your blending, and reap even more health benefits in the process.

Create A Broth

Any excess rind or parts of the fruit that the blender simply cannot handle can be taken out and used in to make a fruit broth of sorts. Just as a broth is made with the stock and bones of chicken, the same can be done with fruit. Simply take the excess, boil it and drink the juice that forms.

Create A Topping

Vegetable and fruit pulp make the perfect garnish or addition to foods, like scrambled eggs. Take the pulp and toss it in with eggs and scramble them, and not only will you have additional nutrients but you’ll have a nice zesty flavor in your meal as well.

Cube It

Water is typically bland and flavorless, and what better way to naturally kick up the flavor of water than by adding ice cubes infused with pulp from fruits leftover from the blender.

Make Dip

Not all juices will contain fruit, some contain vegetables, and when that’s the case the excess makes for a great dip. A simple recipe is to add cottage cheese and Greek yogurt to the vegetable pulp as well as any extra spices to enhance the flavor, and you’re all set.

Sprinkle It

Taking rinds, excess vegetables and fruits, and chopping them into a fine consistency can easily turn them into seasonings that can be sprinkled or added to foods such as rice and potatoes, or even baked goods like muffins.

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